- You joined the Main Room. ( 7:05 PM ) -
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7:03 PM
hey now..still loading. we will start shortly
7:04 PM

7:05 PM

willstrow 1 joined the Main Room. ( 7:13 PM ) -

7:11 PM
no video. no audio. use text
Well hey folks
7:14 PM
we might as well get started.
7:14 PM
Did you go through the introductory information for the class?
7:14 PM

7:15 PM

7:15 PM
Excellent. Do you have any specific questions about what you observed Or read

willstrow 1
7:16 PM
i was going through the modules for this week and read all of the breakdowns on different types of criticism. I had also watched the five minute video you posted.

7:16 PM
Okay. Do you have any questions

willstrow 1
7:16 PM
i had a uestion about the primary sources and topic modules though

7:16 PM
i took ur eng 101 we had groud pres how will we do that there online

7:17 PM
we will not Emily

7:17 PM
i also read through this weeks modles

7:17 PM
you won't do a presentation like that in this class

7:18 PM
okay so no group projects

7:18 PM
exactly Emily
ask away at will, will
7:19 PM

willstrow 1
7:19 PM
I was wondering if the Poetry 1 module is also for the essay, like how the topics module is with all the different stories we have to choose from.
or if it is something seperate
7:19 PM

7:19 PM
will, the poetry that you're supposed to read, as with all literature that you're supposed to read for this class, is designed to get you familiar with the various types within a particular genre, starting with poetry, moving into drama and then later into literary fiction

willstrow 1
7:20 PM
so they are just readings for now?

7:20 PM
what you will do with that material is, at least five times during the semester, write a response that you submit, but the first response is not posted until week two
they are just readings for now. They will be material that you will find useful later
7:20 PM

willstrow 1
7:20 PM

7:20 PM
. More importantly, when we're discussing something, such as a test, I cannot discuss the actual works that are on the test, but I can discuss other works that you've read so that we can use examples of how to apply say, biographical or Marxist criticism to a particular work.
The actual process of writing things for me starts next week
7:20 PM

willstrow 1
7:22 PM
so we dont have a response this week because i was also looking for more information about where we post those.

7:22 PM
you will post those in the folders where they are announced
7:22 PM
And you are correct. There is no response for this week
7:22 PM
for most students, it's a matter of getting familiar with the material before have you write about it. There's no point in having you just randomly write something. The responses have to have contextual meaning and in order for you to do that, you need to understand several critical perspectives so they can choose at least one is applicable to the work
7:22 PM
that you are writing about.
7:22 PM

7:22 PM
okay so just to be sure we read one of the poems and then write a three to 5 paragrah and then we have to use the lit vocab and talk about it and use secondary sorce to support?

7:23 PM
Not every single critical perspective applies to every work.

7:23 PM
i already printed out all the poems

7:23 PM
Emily, let's talk about the assignments themselves so that we are all talking about the same thing because there's a fundamental difference between a PAPER, a TEST, and a RESPONSE.

7:23 PM
and yes only the one that applies

7:23 PM
Well they are available online all the times you don't have to do that, but if it helps you, you are certainly more than welcome to.
As far as you know, how many papers do we have for this class and what I mean by PAPER is research paper
7:23 PM

7:24 PM
yes i read and printed out what u expected out of them
of us *
7:24 PM
u require us to have a work cited page and more than 1 seconadry sorces
7:25 PM

7:26 PM
generally, Emily, yes. This is a research class and you are going to be giving me a works cited and direct quotation from primary and at least one or more secondary resource for every work that you do for me in those body paragraphs.
So I asked my question again. As far as you know, how many PAPERS do we have in this class?
7:26 PM

7:27 PM

willstrow 1
7:27 PM
we have 3
2 online
7:27 PM
1 in class?
7:27 PM

7:27 PM
You are close will. I don't consider the TEST a PAPER.
so Emily's answer is correct
7:27 PM

willstrow 1
7:27 PM

7:28 PM
but you are also correct indicating that you will come onto campus for a five paragraph TEST that analyzes a work through three critical perspectives.

willstrow 1
7:28 PM
so we choossse three of the five critical perspectivees which are the criticisms?

7:29 PM
The first draft of that paper will be two critical perspectives on one of the items that are in that BEGIN RESEARCH PAPER 1 list which I believe has two poems, two or three plays and two fiction pieces.

willstrow 1
7:29 PM
Sorry, used to spell correct.
7:29 PM

7:29 PM
It is imperative that you choose carefully because this topic you will write on during the course of the semester
in the chat room will, don't worry about it.
7:29 PM

7:30 PM
okay can we talk about the topics

7:30 PM
Because toward the end of the semester, after I have given you revisions for that first paper, you will add two more critical perspectives for total four critical perspectives on the same work at the end of the semester

willstrow 1
7:30 PM
Thank you, so we do write continuously on the same topic throughout the semmester?

7:30 PM
hold on Emily
that is correct will
7:30 PM
while at the same time you were also doing these RESPONSES which offer you an opportunity to discuss and analyze other works on a shorter scale
7:30 PM

willstrow 1
7:30 PM
ok cool

7:30 PM
responses are only three paragraphs.
They are only one critical perspective.
7:30 PM
It's shorter works designed to allow me to give you quick feedback on your writing, your research, your application of critical perspective so that you can apply these things to these big-ticket items of the papers and the test
7:31 PM

willstrow 1
7:31 PM
ok we can go on ahead to emilys uestion now. Thank you.

7:31 PM
any questions about the paper or the responses?
Other than the topics themselves.
7:32 PM
We will burn that bridge shortly
7:32 PM

willstrow 1
7:32 PM

7:32 PM
I will take your silence as no questions.
Emily let's talk about the topics.
7:32 PM
What was your question
7:32 PM

willstrow 1
7:35 PM
i think she walked away.

7:35 PM
can u help me better undersand Androcentrism is it just a male point of view

7:35 PM
she still writing actually
well it is a male centered point of view.
7:35 PM

7:35 PM
haha no im reading the paper
ohh okay and that all just a masculine point of view of the world
7:36 PM

7:36 PM
Feminist criticism is a critical perspective that says that women historically have been marginalized by male dominated world. It also recognizes that certainly up until the 1970s and even later, the written word and the editors of the written word and the publishers of the written word have all been primarily male and therefore have been pandering to a largely male audience and have been editing and/or expurgating material that might be designed for women readers.

7:36 PM
I usee Dragon speak by the away.
7:36 PM
and therefore it sometimes does not write what I wanted to
7:36 PM

willstrow 1
7:37 PM
oh, wasn't androcentrism also possible to be applied to female characters with "male" qualities?

7:37 PM
there is also, in response to criticism, which is fairly pervasive and has been since the 1960s certainly in various waves, a rebuttal of sorts that has been identified by various thing, but I called the androcentric view and is not necessarily better just men think this in the same way that feminist criticism is not just held by women.
Men can be feminists
7:37 PM
and likewise women can carry androcentric views. If you believe that there is a traditional structure in which men are in positions of authority, and rightfully so, you hold a more androcentric view than a feminist view.
7:38 PM
It can be will. One of the elements of androcentric point of view is that strong women are actually simply acting like a man, which of course feminists would disagree with.
7:39 PM

7:39 PM
ohh okay so these woman were female writer but they had a males perspective

7:39 PM
If you're applying androcentric view, it often coincides with or might be associated with a negative response to an overtly feminist work in order to defend the male perspective, and the certainly would apply to works that have been identified as feminist, such as the old wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The androcentric view is likely to view the main character more negatively and to view the male characters more sympathetically.

willstrow 1
7:39 PM
i thought i was reading that.

7:40 PM
Whether or not there's actually an androcentric school in the same way there's a feminist school is up for debate, as many people feel, especially feminists, as well as other folks who are in various cultural responses to the dominant culture, that the androcentric view is simply the traditional male, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, upper-class dominating culture that is held sway in Western civilization for the past thousand years

7:40 PM
however, it's a great way to identify how to respond to a feminist work in a way that directly counters the author of the argument
7:41 PM

7:41 PM
ahhh waittt so fasttttt
no im confused
7:41 PM

7:43 PM
read what I just said and then ask me a question to help you be un-confused

willstrow 1
7:43 PM
by saying they are simply taking on males qualities for their lead character and their cause? im a bit confused too
for countering the authors of the argument^
7:43 PM

7:44 PM
well here's the deal. Androcentric criticism partly says that the reason that male centered way of doing things, such as aggression, physical strengths and other traditional male roles and opportunities in society has to do with the fact that the male way is the best way
this is a Western idea that is counter to your collective societies in which women have a greater voice, such as more indigenous societies, especially Native Americans and native Polynesians.
7:44 PM
Androcentric arguments often say that a strong woman is not a woman as much as she is simply  using male attributes which are simply reinforce the idea that doing things a man's way is superior.

7:45 PM
the feminist, of course disagrees
7:45 PM
the feminist says that very often there is simply a way of doing things right and that man cannot claim human nature. Moreover, they will also want to advance the notion that certain elements of the culture of women are better at dealing with things than the culture of the men.
7:45 PM
This is an argument that will not be solved in this class because it has not been solved. The purpose of labeling these things however allows you to then take one of these arguments and apply it to work that you are analyzing.
7:46 PM
If you're reading a story about a woman who is being directed by men to do one thing or another because the man in the story believes it is in her best interest, the feminist view is that he is controlling and abusive, and the androcentric view is that she is foolish for not following the wise person in the room
7:46 PM

willstrow 1
7:47 PM
i think that gives a new light to how i am seeing the androcentric type.
7:47 PM

7:48 PM
if you are reading a story in which women subvert the law in order to help another woman that they perceive was being abused by a man, the feminist criticism is that, especially if this was a time when women did not even have the vote, This is necessary. The androcentric view is that the law protects everyone and that women need to work within the law; if they don't they are criminals.

7:49 PM
okay i got it butttt a feminist is somone who supports woman, can she also be seen as somone androcentric because she may be more strong on her belifs

7:49 PM
of course feminists, as well as other minorities, will point out That laws were written by men, rich men, like men, to serve the values and the rights of privileged men rather than women and other minorities.
generally androcentric person is going to say that the best man for a job as a man
7:49 PM
mentioned the doctors
7:49 PM
7:49 PM
7:49 PM
7:49 PM
7:50 PM
police officers
7:50 PM
7:50 PM
7:50 PM
7:50 PM
7:50 PM
women in traditional roles would include service
7:50 PM
teachers of children
7:50 PM
7:50 PM
7:50 PM
7:50 PM
7:50 PM
feminist would point out that even today, statistically, men are still running business and law.

7:51 PM
Feminists say it's unfair that men and women make different salaries for the same jobs

7:51 PM
men say it's because women take time off to take care of children and to have children
7:51 PM

7:51 PM
okay i think i undersand a bit more

7:51 PM
women say that it is because women are obligated to take care of the children 
and back and forth it goes.
7:51 PM
Understand the example that in Europe, not only is maternity leave far more extended than it is in the United States, it is for BOTH the mother and the father
7:52 PM
because they are more in line with the idea that parenting is not simply associated with one person
7:52 PM
in other words, fathers can mother
7:52 PM

7:52 PM
ookay i got :D
7:52 PM
i think not all job here in us allow men to leave for matunity
7:53 PM

willstrow 1
7:53 PM
I don't know of any

7:54 PM
what do u mean

willstrow 1
7:54 PM
there  aren’t any jobs around here that offer maternity leave for the male.

7:54 PM
They are rare, Will.

willstrow 1
7:54 PM
just stating a comment.

7:54 PM
ohhh yea very few

7:55 PM
Obviously, the reason you use either of these is because the work is talking about gender issues. If the work is not talking about gender issues, very often feminist or androcentric criticism are not really applicable. In other words, they don't particularly have a dog in that fight.
7:55 PM
read feminist criticism to also to care of to because while second and first wave feminist criticism were specifically about raising the value and abilities and rights of middle and upper-class white women
7:55 PM
third wave and first wave feminist criticism are more about general equality amongst everyone, especially for women and other individuals of color and of lower socioeconomic means.
7:55 PM
Which means that if you are reading something that has to do with racial inequality, secondly feminist doesn't really care; the third wave feminist does care
7:57 PM
You will also find that a general conservative viewpoint on something may coincide with that androcentric view, but very often a more specific conservative cultural viewpoint, such as a particular religion or political stance may be a better argument because they cover more elements than just gender
7:57 PM
so if you're reading a work that's about a person who has resorted to criminal behavior in order to survive poverty and may use drugs, illegal drugs, as either a means to make money or even as a pastime, the social conservative's that were set up all those issues then the androcentric view, even though the cultural conservative and the androcentric view are often in lockstep in terms of agreement
7:58 PM
as you go through these critical perspectives, you are picking and choosing the BEST arguments, the ones that fit the situation most. You are not looking to agree with the primary source. Some of them will. Obviously, Marxist criticism, biographical criticism and historical criticism will lend themselves to agreeing with and supporting both the themes and the facts in any particular primary source.
8:00 PM
However, I do not want that first essay to be both a Marxist criticism and the cultural response from someone who is in the same society and same belief system as the person who wrote the primary source. They would simply agree with each other.
8:00 PM
Instead, I want you to choose, if you decided to immerse his criticism from a young African-American hip-hop artist who is living in poverty and who may break the law in order to survive, a cultural response that does not like lawmakers and does not agree with the use of illegal drugs or any other issues like that and may not want people relying on welfare in order to survive.
8:01 PM
Choosing a conservative cultural or political perspective will serve well in that particular endeavor
8:01 PM
for any cultural response, whether it is androcentric or to particular religion or particular political group or feminist or whatever, you must go directly to the source. I do not want to hear what Rush Limbaugh's view of feminism is when you apply your feminist criticism. I do not want to hear what Gloria Steinem's view on patriarchal vision is when you want to do your Catholic critical perspective.
8:02 PM
if you wanted feminist criticism, go to a feminist source.
8:02 PM
If you want to discuss what a particular religion thanks, go directly to that source.
8:02 PM
Use their values use their laws
8:02 PM
they do not have to discuss your work specifically. Knowing that the Mormon church, for example does not like the use of illegal and many legal drugs (alcohol, nicotine, caffeine) nor are they inclined to look in favor on someone who is living outside of the church in other ways, they do not have to discuss the song or the story directly in order for you to take that set of rules and apply them back to the work.
8:03 PM
You will have to quote from them in terms of establishing what the value or rule is, but they're not necessary to talk about your author or the particular work you are analyzing.
8:04 PM
Any questions about this?
8:04 PM

willstrow 1
8:05 PM
i was wonderig if we had to pick a song from the list. I am pretty sure we do but then you put the note on their for suggestions. being posted the next semester.
would we be able to use a suggestion that coincided with a topic lyrically this semester and have it posted next semester or do we have to pick from what you listed out.
8:06 PM

8:06 PM
I'm not exactly sure you're talking about.
Does the first assignment mention "poem lyric list?"
8:06 PM
It shouldn't. It's supposed to be a list of two poems, two or three plays, and two or three short stories
8:07 PM

8:07 PM
umm i saw what he was talking about it was on this weeks assigment

8:07 PM
The poetry, some of which are songs, that I have you read from week to week you will use for responses and may end up on a test further down the road

willstrow 1
8:09 PM
im looking for it
i am trying to find where it is
8:09 PM

8:10 PM
Shakur. "Dear Mama"Mora. "La Migra"Glaspell. "Trifles"Miller. "Death of a Salesman"Lucas. "Star Wars" (choose a SINGLE episode)Gilman. "The Cask of Amontillado"Poe. "The Yellow Wallpaper"
those are the works that you're choosing for your research papers
8:10 PM
The other poetry is simply for reading and for responses.
8:10 PM
If there's some other place where I made mention something, please let me know so I can clean that up.
8:11 PM

willstrow 1
8:11 PM
its on the rhetoric mla formatting page
and its a link that takes you here
8:11 PM
8:11 PM
i guess im just confused because that was the first thing i saw and i though that was important for the poem part of the assignment.
8:12 PM

8:12 PM
thanks for th eheads up
I was using it as examples of lyric poetry, but I've removed it.
8:12 PM
It's not.
8:12 PM

willstrow 1
8:12 PM
is it just an example of formatting these kinds of things?
oh thanks ha
8:12 PM
i was confused
8:12 PM

8:12 PM
It was an example of how poetry, which many people by definition do not like, is actually quite popular.
In other words, anybody who likes music with words and it actually likes poetry of some kind.
8:13 PM
But thanks for the heads up. I removed it from the reading assignment.
8:13 PM
I will have to replace it with something that discusses poetry in a more general way.
8:13 PM
Is there anything else that I can help you with?
8:14 PM

8:14 PM
okay when we draw near to the 1st paper can u give us somethig that ur looking for like a paper that says exactly what you want
that help me a lot
8:14 PM

8:14 PM
Have either Of you chosen anything for the first paper?
well actually if you want a glimpse of what a response looks like
8:14 PM
what a research paper looks like
8:14 PM
what a discussion applying a critical perspective looks like
8:14 PM

8:14 PM
no i havent read all the rsorces yet

8:14 PM
what your test might look like
those are all little on the "archive of tests and papers" in the lower right-hand column on the main class website on englit.org
8:15 PM

8:16 PM
ya but i need instructions like the dos and donts

8:16 PM
That's on what I expect on out of class papers
the requirements for both primary and secondary text, directly quoted in each body paragraph
8:16 PM
the requirements for a works cited page
8:16 PM
MLA formatting
8:16 PM
critical perspective in each body paragraph
8:16 PM
each body paragraph is a single critical perspective
8:16 PM
each critical perspective is in a single body paragraph
8:16 PM
introductions and conclusions are short and give me the overall point rather than a laundry list of what each critical perspective will provide
8:17 PM
that's all discussed on "what I expect from out of class papers" again on my website
8:17 PM
it might also be under "the research paper"
8:17 PM

willstrow 1
8:17 PM

8:17 PM
there's a lot of repetition on my website for various things

8:17 PM
i know i saw those

8:18 PM
the don'ts include don't give me a list of stuff in the introduction or conclusion
don't ever refer to yourself
8:18 PM
do not editorialize on a critical perspective. That means if you do not like feminist criticism and you use them as criticism you are not editorializing how wrong thermistors is amiss. You are reporting how the work would be translated by the viewpoint as if you were a person who held that belief. And when you move onto the next discussion of androcentric view you apply that same objective truthful application of that particular perspective
8:18 PM
you are not comparing one critical perspective to another, either. Each paragraph is its own individual argument that does not take into account any previous argument.
8:19 PM
Other than that, it's all standard stuff that you learned in English 101 but it is repeated on my website
8:19 PM

8:20 PM
okay so when u say each paragrah is its own argument
we wil argue differnt points
8:20 PM

8:20 PM
each paragraph has a topic sentence that identifies the critical perspective being applied in that paragraph only and sticks to that critical perspective throughout the paragraph.
That means a body paragraph in my class is likely to be at least a page and can be, especially with mythological criticism, three or four pages
8:20 PM
an argument is simply making the point. It is not necessarily a conversation of two sides of an argument.
8:20 PM
It's not disagreement
8:20 PM
the term "argument" in this case is simply somebody establishing a point rather than showing two sides of a point.
8:21 PM

8:22 PM

8:22 PM
So, like you said, you're not telling me the strengths and weaknesses of feminist criticism. You're simply applying feminist criticism to the work and explaining how feminist worldview this particular work. What they would like or dislike. Whether they would agree with the authors viewpoint and of course as with any cultural response, discussing whether they agree that was being portrayed actually happens.
So a feminist and androcentric view from the 1890s would agree that women were given the rest cure. However, they would disagree on whether or not the rest cure was a good idea.
8:23 PM
Both cultural conservatives and members of the counterculture group would agree that marijuana use and LSD use were pervasive during the 1960s. What they would disagree on is whether or not it was the right thing to do.
8:23 PM
So in your story that portrays some situation, many of that something happened but they may disagree depending on how the author portrays the situation in the work
8:24 PM
so what you need to do at this point is start reading the primary resources
8:24 PM

8:24 PM

8:24 PM
so that we can use the poetry that you would've read as examples to discuss the very things that will help explain the critical perspectives.

8:24 PM

8:24 PM
Because what you need to understand is the following:

8:24 PM
i got it thank youuuu

8:25 PM
I'm not showing you truckin by the Grateful Dead so that] later on in a different class when you're asked about the Grateful Dead and truckin, you have the right answers.
I'm showing you how this particular set of artists presented their work so that when you do a a Marxist criticism that explains their viewpoint and their worldview and what they are trying to say, you have an idea as to the world that they have created for themselves as evidence that they love what they are describing in the song.
8:26 PM
Because you will need to know what Marxist criticism is
8:26 PM
you will need to know what feminist criticism is
8:26 PM
you will need to know what a cultural criticism of some kind is, and there are many. We will get to all that during the next 15 weeks
8:26 PM
8:26 PM
for now
8:26 PM
8:26 PM
and we can get to the analysis later
8:26 PM
like next week
8:26 PM
any questions
8:26 PM

8:27 PM
mmmm waittttt

8:27 PM
this class is not about busywork. Everything you do for me is a demonstration of your understanding of MLA formatting, research writing, and using the literary critical perspectives. The feedback you get from me on any single work is to be applied to all of your works.
But before you can do that, you need to read some information
8:27 PM

8:27 PM

8:27 PM
and get your feet wet in terms of critical perspectives
and some primary sources.
8:27 PM
Ask your question Emily
8:28 PM

8:29 PM
andd so going back to the resonses we have to have a secondary source right

8:29 PM

8:29 PM
okay and work cited
can we use easy bib
8:29 PM

8:29 PM
Ebscohost, Gale, Rolling Stone, interviews with the author on YouTube
8:29 PM
make sure that you have your virtual library card established.
8:29 PM

8:30 PM
hahah yes i have it

willstrow 1
8:30 PM
i still need to do that

8:30 PM
Easy bib is garbage in, garbage out.

willstrow 1
8:30 PM
i was trying to before the chat

8:30 PM
If you have all the information for submitting to easy bib, you could just write the thing yourself

willstrow 1
8:30 PM
no easy bib?

8:30 PM
moreover, anything on Gale Porter Ebscohost gives you the citation anyway
I'm not saying it's bad. I'm saying that in many cases, it is unnecessary.
8:31 PM

8:31 PM
gotttt ittt

8:31 PM
Ebscohost and Gale getting the citation so you don't need it.

8:31 PM
8:31 PM

8:31 PM
YouTube videos are listed by the poster, if available, the title of the video, the phrase "YouTube" and the URL

8:31 PM
ohhh youtube is okayyy?

8:32 PM
Everything else is author, title of the work, title of the publication, the year and, if it's web only, the URL
you will need it.
8:32 PM
If you're going to Tupac you need interviews
8:32 PM
if you're going to do George Lucas, you need interviews
8:32 PM

8:32 PM
got it

8:32 PM
these are available on YouTube as well as, for movies, the extras on the disc

8:32 PM

8:33 PM
so yes you may use easy bib, if you need to, but make sure you have the information you need. If you do not have information, it just fills in the blanks with nonsense.
Many resources outside of the stuff provided by citrus college actually give you the resource information at the bottom of the article because they know that serious writers, and that includes you, need that information.
8:33 PM
So they will put citation at the bottom of the page
8:33 PM

8:33 PM
its okay ill just copy and paste the url and stuff and do it manually

8:34 PM
if you get something from the history channel or from biography channel, they give you the citation
for the article.
8:34 PM
And of course, no Wikipedia
8:34 PM
no spark notes
8:34 PM

8:34 PM
ohh okay noted
i got it
8:34 PM

willstrow 1
8:34 PM
i actually am wondering how we get participation if we miss the online sesssions.

8:35 PM
don't use stuff that was designed for great schools and high schools.
Participation is entirely predicated on the number of responses that you do will
8:35 PM

willstrow 1
8:35 PM
how do you mean?

8:35 PM
five accepted responses give you an A in participation
online chat sessions are like showing up to my office. It's good for you. If you don't do it, you are not punished for it
8:35 PM

willstrow 1
8:35 PM
and that starts next week?

8:36 PM
you will have multiple opportunities to get those five done.

willstrow 1
8:36 PM
8:36 PM

8:36 PM
Another words, I will give you at least 12 or 13 different things that you can write responses on in order to get five completed
it's about practicing your craft
8:36 PM
just like you can't step into the batter's box and hit a 90 mile an hour curveball without any rehearsal or go on stage and read about a solo on your saxophone without learning to play the saxophone, writing is a craft that requires practice
8:37 PM
the responses offer you practice
8:37 PM
and I give you feedback
8:37 PM

willstrow 1
8:37 PM
alright, well this has been fulfilling. i am going to sign off now. i will try to attend these if i need help anyhow its pretty easy to reach outn this way.

8:37 PM
that's participation.
That's why i'm here will. When you're here I will talk about the work that YOU have chosen.
8:37 PM

8:37 PM
okay so if im done with the response early can i send it to u via email to review

willstrow 1
8:37 PM
thank you

8:37 PM
No Emily. You post it and then I graded and give you an opportunity to fix it.

willstrow 1 left the Main Room. ( 8:40 PM ) -

8:38 PM
thankkk you
8:38 PM

8:38 PM
You're welcome

8:38 PM

8:38 PM
have a great week.

Emily-Rios left the Main Room. ( 8:41 PM ) -

8:39 PM